Well i was just doing some weekly tutorials. this time an easy one compared to my last few. However, it was an important one none the less. Tutvid is the SPOT! this tutorial was about brushes and swirls. The important thing is the brush part. For whatever reason i totally forgot that adobe illustrator is an ILLUSTRATION program. DUHHHHH right? well lots of class and lots of other shit going on makes one forget. Im so baffled about what graphic art really is. it seems like a compilation of so many mediums all smashed together into one big awesome form of art, where the possibilities are endless. This is where my point comes into play... Illustration is not only done with the pen tool! haha. and tonight i realized that. i made a rad brush and it looked like this crazy bunny character i always try to draw. so with some tweaking and some cool brushes i made a rad little character. plus some tutorial awesome-ness. So while this slow ass, crap wireless Internet, that sounded so appealing at first when i got this apartment is loading ill do some more rambling... This tutorial showed me how to create and tweak my own brush. but it also taught me basic things that i overlooked. like pasting in front stuff like that. control c -- control f. pretty neat haha. i also learned about some little hot keys that rule. what merging stuff does. expanding appearances, to change colors in a brush so its not a solid color, stuff like that. i also browsed over a few other tutorials but they were far less appealing. Seriously go to tutvid do all the tutorials! its really taught me a shit load about this program. bummed that were done with it for this class i want to learn everything there is to know about illustrator! i looked over a few others but did not have time to do them all. Tutvid tutorials are pretty in-depth, and take way longer than just pen tooling over a tennis ball or something. I bust my ass to just tutorial it up. but i much rather spend two hours on a tutorial worth a shit then just read over some rocker ass dudes tutorials on youtube. so there is my ramble. peep my work, and presentations tomorrow yayyyy. oh and the bunny i made was made all with brushes,except the teeth are pen tooled haha.
oh and check out this tutorial as well, i looked over it in class, and again at home but didnt do it. it didnt really seem worth it, but it gave some more pen tool pointers, and how to do some gradent work. kinda ok. either way learned some new stuff. tutvid.com again.
and I'm not gunna lie, i kinda said it before in this post. I think its good to look at tutorials and just read them and whatnot, but following along and doing the tutorials makes it worth it. check tutvids. mess around. even if the tutorial doesnt really seem like your getting anything to crazy out of it you still get some basics. Every tutorial i learn new hot keys, little pointers on stuff that i may or may not use. However, the info is all there, and there is nothing wrong with learning new stuff! haha