
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The home stretch.

Well the home stretch of this term in school is here. Got two more weeks! Im pretty psyched for thanksgiving, gong to bend, party and chill out. I been illustrating these book covers for class, my hands, eyes, and brain hurt. Im getting this feeling that my work is under par. Eh i guess thats how everyone feels, or i hope so. soo ya last night was an interesting one. We all went out to the bar for Lil calebs b day. which is funny cuz it was his 18th, but if ya knew the kid you would understand. Some how we wind up (mind you this is a group of like 6 of us) going to this dudes hotel. He was at a kiss concert earlier. This dude was something out of a movie, teeth grinding, paranoid as hell and just psyched to bring us all back to his hotel room. We went there (or at least me) with the intentions of more beer. Well the dude had no beer but a barrage of drugs. I dont fuck with that shit so i passed on the cool drugs this guy was offering out. Me and some homies sat in the bathroom chiefed some cigs and laughed at the situation at hand. some how we made it about an hour before shit started getting weird, dude was asking for serious drugs, asking for our phone numbers, and getting way to psyched on just talking. Some weird shit was coming out of this dudes mouth. We can probably assume it was drugs talking. We came out on top though because we were alive. Turns out the dude was here on business. Really makes me wonder what kind of business this guy was associated with. I dont ask questions though. Im assuming hes a salesman. Either way the dude was a kook. We dip and darlene gave the dude her real number, she thought he would call the fake one at the hotel and the dude would get pissed.
I guess where im getting at is saying yes to stupid journeys and trips is not always the worst thing. Got to kick it with my friends, laugh our asses off about this dude, and just chill.
In other news i think my internet is good enough to upload a few pictures i been working on..


Monday, November 16, 2009

printing, making, and stressing.

I often forget that i have a serious temper. Since i have moved to oregon i have suppressed my levels of stress significantly. Butttt every once in a while, like when a werwolf sees a full moon, i shift into seriuose anger. I laugh it off, haha, and think to myself how funny the world is. Its easier that way, maybe that is growing up. Who knows. Any way, i been busting my ass working for school, taking lots of time to do my work, and just try to make stuff that dosn't suck. (however it usually does). Hours in front of the computer, hours drawing, and hours being stressed. Usually this always produces some pretty cool stuff. Today i finally finished this show and tell poster i was doing for school. After getting my ideas straight and producing my final piece it was time to print. I shoot to the school (not to early) and go to print. Well the lady says they are close to being out of the paper i wanted to print on. I was like thats cool cuz your not out of paper, so boom! I'm dialed. We throw my document up on her computer (the lady was a jem, nice as hell.) and shits going haywire. The document is taking forever to load, not my day. So i take my time to go through the document peep the problem try making it smaller. Doesn't work. she puts some other girls work up on the computer to print it. Her flash drive crashes the computer not once but twice, in the process of the computer taking a shit, the printer bangs out two f'd up pieces of paper. Great the count went from like 5 pieces of paper or so to 3. We finally figure out to try another computer, lol. well now there are 4 people in front of me or so trying to print the same size paper as i needed to. This is no ones fault but mine. I got fed up and as steam came out of my ears i decided to get the hell outa there haha. I went to clean copy to go get my stuff printed. Let me tell you never in my life have i wasted 15 dollars as bad as i did here. So u can picture the out come. 15 dollars and a shitty shitty print of my poster later, i said fuck it ill go to kinkos. I called them first so i wouldn't freak out in the store. Lady said it could be done by 830. RAD im thinking to myself, i win... well when i got there to drop it off she said the printer was broken all day and it wont be done till tomorrow. mind you there are a thousand other kinkos, but!, i went there cuz the lady said she could have it done. Im not sure what kind of attempt this was to get money to the store, but it was a crappy one. However, i needed it printed. so I'm praying before 11 tonight it'll be done, or imma have to wake up at like 6 to get this shit.
And this is just another day in my life. Due tomorrow is also a bunch of thumbnail sketches for this book-cover project we have to do. Which i am psyched about, and nervouse about at the same time. To bad my printing experience could not have gone a bit smoother i would be on top of the world right now. But I'm here writing a blog smoking cigs. HAhh. Well here is my final poster and some sketches I'm doing for my next assignment. Trying to get the ball rolling!
Ill leave people off with a "you all better watch"...
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, its on hulu go there see it.
Im sure a ton of people have already seen this movie, or at least read the book,(im always outdated with this shit), Its amazing, cant stop watching it. Its probably the best movie i have ever had the pleasure to watch.


P.S. no pictures cuz my internet is sucking real bad right now. But peep my flickr if you wanna see what i was talking about.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

ahh sunday haha.

Well obviously i havent posted in two days. been on my weekly bender of partying and good times. it felt really nice to not do any work for 2 days, i think i really needed that. Was getting cabin feaver, and my eyes were bleeding from being on the computer for extended periods of time. me and some buddies went and rode some eugene ramps today, then some skate parks, ate burrito boy, and just lived the life. It was rad. Especially after a full night sleep on one of theos fancy tempurpedic mattresses. Im psyched for a new week, and new challenges in school, even though they are going to stress me the fuck out. Thats fine though, just another day in the life. I need to also start looking for new places to life cuz im not trying to live downtown anymore. Im over it. Living alone, in a shoe box apartment sucks. it has its ups, but there are more downs involved. Trying to register for classes this week, chill, then off to bend to spend thanksgiving with the only thing close to family i have, my buddy joe i grew up with, and big dan. o boy its goint to be rad. Hmmm feel like a blog should have some witty interesting stuff on it... Well not this time haha. Ill be chillen.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ahh friday.

Finally the day is here... well for most. i got lots ahead of me. but im going to enjoy my friday and do something away from the computer. Maybe a drink? who knows where the night is taking me. but.. keep posted for the dream sequence deal i got going on, imma start that probably monday. thinking it may be pretty neattooo.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

dream sequence project.

So im sure this has been done so many times through out the history humans, and curiousity. But i been having these dreams lately that are so amazing, and i want to illustrate them. Each dream ive had for the past few days i made a little log. Kinda like main points in the dream that i can never forget. I wanna dive into my sleep and document what i can remember. I feel like this is going to be an ongoing project that may take some time. i am really buisy with school so its gunna be hard to juggle. im hopeing some shitty weather keeps me in the house.
I been super stressed lately and almost had a full blown meltdown this am. which is fine, but it seems like i am becomeing less and less sane humanbeing in the mornings. I loose shit, my heads in the clouds and its really getting me stressed. haha.
I been working my ass off in school, and i still feel like i produce the work that a 4th grader could do. But i guess im going to keep on trucking, and just play around. I been trying to think less of school in general, and not let it get me so stressed out. Why should being on the computer for 10 hrs a day be stressful? i mean im going to be probly on the cocmputer more and more as time goes on. so i have to figure out how to keep sane. Maybe a break for a drink? maybe 2? but i tend to go way past that too. I fell this is a very easy way to have a bit of an alcohol abuse problem, ahh fuckit i drink too much anyways.
Im excited about this dream illustration log im going to do.
maybe colabo with someone, that would be pretty rad.
Any takers? haha
heres a pic of this t shirt project im doing for school.
and on that note, im off to spanish class,

Monday, November 9, 2009

Birthday resolutions.

Well its been awhile. This blog was intended for school and well the class has been over for almost a year now. Time has been going by pretty fast these days. Anyways, It was recently my birthday and now since im legally alowed to drink, and mayne looked at as more of an adult (which is bulshit) i figure i start blogging more. i have no care in the world if anyone reads this. If people do, thats rad. But ill for sure be updating way more.
Im currently enrolled in a graphic design program at the wonderfull Portland State University. first off let me give props to all the teachers that work there. They are more then just professors, they are rad people.
Im stressed though, and feel like even though there are a ton of people that do way more then me on a daily basis, i cant keep up. I guess im immature. Im just trying to figure out what the hell it means to be a graphic designer. I have all these awesome ideas, and they just get blocked by something and i cant figure it out.
I think one of the biggest things that limits my abilities is the fact that i stress about the quality of my work. see i have to submit a portfolio by spring term of 2010. And the work has to be good. but what the fuck! what is good? i dont even know. its probly all just immature feelings and they need to chill. Problems in life are created by only one person in life, and that is one's self. if its not good enough im screwed i suppose.. so every little thing i do i over analyze, and loose a lot of what my initial intentions were.
I suppose this is a rant but i just wanted to get it the hell out of my head.

Peep this blog more for sick stuff, like local art, interviews, whatever. im just trying to promote life. Partying, chillen, being productive, being unproductive, whatever!.

Paul C.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So yaya im on my way to starting the production of my zine, i was gunna do it before i took art 200 but im killing two birds with one stone here. im almost in my preliminary stages to start getting this shit together. im gunna interview my first artist tonight, shoot photos and get shit crackin, defiantly expect to see some shit up on this site here and there. laterss

Monday, July 6, 2009


im sure no one ever looks at this, so its like bloggin to myslef. kind of like a journal or diary. ehh anyways, the fourth was amazing, we got loose partyed a bunch, walked way to far, saw fireworks, kicked it with people randomly from school, wild time. Today i felt like crap of coarse, i sat around and thought about my stress levels, and the lack of motivation i have. maybe it will all turn around. i will find out in 2 more weeks. but so far im really homesick, and miss the east coast, and i miss living in salem, and eugene, and i just need a dang break. Its not goin to happen which sucks, but o well. I guess thats growing up? getting sick from stress shit like that, yaa adult! psyche! im out class in like no hours trying to sleep for a quick sec.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


so i been messing with charcoal and drawing and whatnot, and decided to qickly try to draw a picture of my dog. uhh it came out pretty crappy i think but its kinda cool haha. its just fun to work with new drawing mediums. and eventually i will score a good drawing of my pup.
i never really had to much drawing experience, dunno. just doodling and stuff, but i wanna try to gett better, and i guess practice makes perfect. ill just keep at it, and between my drawing class and my art 200 class i will have a zine by august, a bit later than expected. i think it will turn out pretty good. im going to get the ball rolling pretty soon here within the next week.

tryin to quit smoking, and chill with the partying, so ill probly just draw instead haha.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

back to school

well its seemed like a really fast week break, probably because it was only a week. after taking 18 credits this spring i figured it would be just a fabulous idea to take 12 over the summer. 8 credits are studio art classes, 4 is an online art history class. two of the classes are only 4 weeks. At first i figured 4 week classes would be rad, ohh boy was i wrong. everything is hard and sped up so it sucks.
Something cool on a good note, i checked out last thursday, it was probably one of the most rad events i have ever been to. all walks of life piled into north east portland, on alberta street to showcase and sell art, music, food, drinks, everything. there were so many weirdo'S but who isnt weird?
Either way i had a smile on my face at all times, and a drink in my hand. so it was pretty bad ass. this zine i wanted to do will be getting done, but im killing two birds with one stone. it will be my final project for my art 200 class as well as my own little thing. Im gunna try to make a bunch of them and just hand them out. i think it will work out pretty well.
anyways im having a night to myself to let my body recuperate from the 2 week party bender i have been on.
And on that note
night night,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


its been a doozie lots of partying, and thats about it, falling on bikes. getting clips for the new building the underground. ill be way more on it once school starts agin. got trips and stuff to roach. but ya. radicall lets party some time no?
hit me uppp

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

wowzerrss finally done with school

So its been a long ass 10 weeks of my life. and i am tring to enjoy my short ass 2 week break before i start summer classes. Woppie. not. anyway. the next few days are going to be filled with partying and irresponsibility, after that i am going to start this zine idea i have going on and get started with some personal projects. So keep lookin at the blog, cool shit will always be posted, maybe with the exception of this post haha. Ya so crap if any one is tryin to booze it and have a good time dont hesitate to leave a comment up on my blog haha. shit... ok
well im out to punish my body
for the next few days and
have a good time.
Lots of bikes, drinks, and good times.
laterrss pauly.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

a few photoshop tutorials

So its been a buisy last week of school. I havent had much time to do tutorials however i squeezed in two. There will be way more to come this week, just need a night of rest. So here are the two i did.

The mesurment log was pretty interesting. It talked about the  mesurements between objects in a picture. it was a bit confusing.

This tutorial was really interesting and pretty cool. you can make an object a smart object then paste and change the object. but the original object never changes. So you can have an original image and not worry loosing it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

ayeee finally done.

So a few trips to art media today were defiantly worth it. I decided to really shop around i just got some basic shit and it wound up being like 50 bucks which i though sucked a lot. However, i started working and had already planned my book set up out. For the first time in my life everything went according to plan. There are a few things i am a bit unhappy with. and things i am super pumped on. Among things im not psyched on are:
i purposely didn't fully cover the front and back cover, i left a tiny boarder of black, but its a bit uneven which sucks.
and secondly my book opens but not with as much ease. However, i think it still works super good. Peep some of these pics.
The first one is me after like a million hours of working on this book.

Monday, June 1, 2009

final product in the works

its been about 4 hours now but im so stoked on how my book is turning out. i think its going to be pretty legit, wait for the final product in about an hour

Sunday, May 31, 2009

so summer time is here!!!

soooo you know what im not alone here, this is for everyone that busts their asses live it up! haha. taking 18 credits and 12 of those are studio art classes is tough, taking spanish and taking a sophomore crap class is rough, but for all the rough stressful shit that happens there is good. I have awesome teachers, and i couldnt be more happy, i got a rad little dog, and good ass friends. this weekend was full of drinking and real talks. livin it up and just Chilen. i have this balcony deal shown below. seems like it would be pretty grimy, but throw a rug and some homies in the mix and party time. my apartments are pretty ratty, located on 12th and alder. However, everyone that lives here is so f'in rad, no one will ever complain about anything. on any-given night some one else is being way to loud. I know im going on tangents, but hey im excited and got a few sessions in me haha. Just playing with a crap point and shoot digi cam. showing the people who look at my blog (who are probably few) whats up. slept out here every night, why sleep inside? thats way to easy. plus the parking garage goes right to my back window. this could potentially be sketchy as the day is long, but its so convenient. so screw it! good spiritts, friends and beer. class all summer but it will rule really hard. just loving life and kickin it. expect a zine coming in july if i can get my shit together, its going to be real. 
signing out, 


kinda a big deal
mo curled up in what looks like a copy pasted blanket

tyler and mo just wrapped in a blanket. way to many bags of beer cans haha.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Finally some time for tutorials

So its been hectic these past few weeks and tutorials have been at a minumum, but with classes winding down and projects getting finished i can finally bust some shit out! 
So at first i was pretty not psyched on the "you suck at photoshop" tutorials, however the past few i watched were really good and really helpful. Kind of heartwarming. so here are some screen caps are what i watched, and the one i did was really good. it was using paths to make a selection and make a mask, or delete out the background.

So this is my version of the selecting using the paths. I really was happy with what i accomplished, this makes it really easy to delete out the background and keep the background of the other layer.

This was a pretty simple tutorial, kinda a fun one. It just explained how to use the liquify filter, you could potentially make some one look fat or bloated. Haha its pretty funny. there is more you could do with it i suppose, either way its good.

This tutorial also was very helpful. I enjoyed working with the patch tool, and the healing tool. It is nice if you ever wanna cover anything up, or like fix something. In this case the dude was fixing some wrinkles and blemishes. it was pretty good.

This tutorial once again haha, was good. It makes it so you dont have to select an image with the wand tool for hours. using the color range to select makes complex images such as the mesh lacing in the hamock easy and possible to delete the background.

This tutorial i sware ive done before, but i redid it. It just uses the clone tool to hide that bag in the background. It was ok, short and kinda helpful.

You suck at photoshop.
Check them out!
They have a playlist for them and its legit.

Hand made images take way longer than you think.... 2

Here are the last five images. Check my FLICKR to see these images in order and not all thrown about my blog.

This one is mixed media. I took a computer genenerated image and a hand made and put them together. I think it came out really cool for two reasons. One it adds an awesome texture to the picture and secondly they line up really well. In the original hand made image everything was backwards because of the xerox transfer. I really liked how it was backwards, it gave it a photo negative feel. I also liked how when it was mirrored in photoshop how cool it looked too.

I started attempting to make an image out of solely hand drawn type. i started to realize i dont really have any recognizable shapes to do this. So ultimatly i had to add some detail so people can realate the images back to my original one. just played around im kinda into it either way. 

This image is once again a combination of the image about with the origina image. The type image is just really opaque and does not show all the way through, i really like the effects.

This is a xerox transfer on this cool paper i got at art media. its kinda this shiny weird textured paper, again the print looks really cool in person, i think that it lost some of its hand done feel when it went through the scanner. 

This one is a marker sketch, i did one with a marker earlyer where  i just totaly blackened in the dark area on an already printed image. this one i did from once again tracing some of the main shapes and going from there.

For my book i am going to keep all my hand made stuff hand made. I want there to be a obvious difference in computer generated art, and hand made generated art. I really like the feel of work that is not "perfect" i mean there is a time and a place to make things perfect and neat, and have a good out come. For me when it comes to hand made stuff the errors in the work are the things that are the most cool. I am not compromising craft and overall appearance of my book. Im just saying for the actual images, i want to keep them hand done. So the only reason i scanned them into the computer was to colabo some with a photoshop document, and to show you guys. 
kk laters,

Hand made images take way longer than you think....

So its 645 am, but don't worry i have not been  up all night, i got to bed at 2 haha. and got a few hours of sleep. pretty much just making different hand manipulated images. I kinda had it hard for-myself because in the beginning of the project we were told to get an object/image that would be easy to like select, repeat, and take a part, i took a whole photo, so ahhh, but its been good. so here are my final hand drawn images.

This first one is my interpurtation of an ink stipple. i pretty much just dotted it up and made my image, i tried t make it as best as i could, but dotting the paper with a pen really takes longer than you think. i like the way this one came out because even though its chaotic you can kind of still tell what it is, and when you see it next to the original you will totally understand what it is.

So when i was at art media on like thursday after class i found this really really awsome paper, it had an awsome texture and was really transparent. After i found out we could do xerox copies i snagged the paper and the xerox marker and just went t town. Again its so faint but i really like the way it came out, almost looks stenciled on. 

This image started as an idea to lightly scratch my image into this cool paper i had. after that i was going to put another piece of paper over it and lightly shade the paper, then like the image would come through, forgot what thats called. Anyways obviously it didnt work. i had a protractor and just started scratching the hell out of all the black space. my original idea was to not use ink, and just see the image through the smooth paper, and rough scratched paper. it was starting to not work, and it took me too long to give up on, so i decided to just throw some india ink based pit pen on it and i think it worked out better.

So i was striving to finish my last 10 handmade images and i forgot i didnt even do a pencil based image. i wanted to make this look as real as possible so i basically traced over my picture. i was sick of striving to draw a half assed picture. So i decided to just trace main outlines than go from there. I enjoyed doing it, and it kinda looks crappy when i scanned it, i think its just the pencil and the texture of the paper.

This one was made during my block of not knowing what to do. I think i had two images left. i wanted to add colored marker with the xerox copy. i didnt want to draw out my image again, i was frustrated. i scribbled some colors that i thought were cool and xerox copied right over. i was not so frustrated when this was done, i kinda liked it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

owie! and some work haha

well fuck way to start the summer off pretty sure i destroyed my knee. im trying to get an mri but school is in the last two weeks so it might be a bit of a ball up. o well, got my dog, my computer and my health well kinda... so try to stay positive. we been filming a lot for my buddys video, and let me tell you its going to rule. 
That had nothing to do with art 120 sorry, but this does.
So i finished my first 5 of my hand manipulated images, i know we are suposed to have 25 images for my class tomrrow, but its just physically impossible, im not a happy camper... haha. ok any way these were rad, and it will be easy to do the rest of them in class, i need this zerox copy pen thing, and i couldnt get it at art media on friday, well because im an idiot and forgot really. so anyways here they are....
The first one is my attempt at a pen sketch, i think it came out pretty cool. pen is a cool way to sketch cuz when u mess up you either have to start over or work around it, it almost reminds me of giving some one a tattoo minus the starting over part. i found this really cool paper at art media, and ya i just cut it to 7.5 by 7 inches and sketched away from the picture i was looking at on my computer.
I bet you are all wondering what this one is... well you have to put it to the light, which makes it impossible for you computer go'ers to see at this time. but trust me it looks super cool. i was cutting out all the bright light areas and keeping the dark shadows. So im done cutting these areas out and i was going to put some paper behind it cuz the very white less detailed areas looked really cool and popy. I held the image up to the light and saw that the shadows come through the paper, and that it looks soooo cool. not to mention the paper i printed on was super super interesting and cool as well.
This is my ransom image. Basically the typographical theme of my image is one way, maybe because of the one way sign on the pillar, who knows. i like the idea i guess. and i just played with some like ransom style lettering and cutting out a few things. i found this paper once again at art media that has like gold beads on it and threw it behind the areas that were cut out. However, this is not permanent, i have not yet bonded the paper together. im not sure how much i like it, i might just try to print on this paper alone because its really really cool.
For this image i wanted to make a super high contrast-y image but not computer generated. I just printed the image got my radical faber castell blackening pen out and just went over the areas that had little information and were already dark. The pen is awesome p.s. a recommendation by my teacher kate. Which is a good recommendation i must add. Ya and i did a super high contrast-y computer generated image, but to do it by hand makes it way more interesting and way more fun. i think that it will look cool next to the computer generate image to show what you could do by hand, and on the computer.

Ahh save the best for last.... Ya so not to bring up high school again, but when i was in my high school photo class we did a unit on manipulating our images by hand after they were printed. Sepia toning and some other really rad toxic stuff. Well my one buddy luis just threw his image in some tea for a while and it looked super super sick. Well i tried to do that with my image, right after it printed i realized that when you print out of a printer there is ink. hmmm, and wow, smart conclusion right? yupperss ya so i just decided to bathe it in some warm tea any ways, right away the ink started running, but not fadeing totally, and it started to look really awesome, so i just went with it and im glad i did, because i think it worked kinda well.
Ok ya so there are my five hand manipulated images, check back soon for more
Real soon,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

3 more images, making a total of 15 computer manipulated images!

Here are my other three pictures, my hands hurt from typing so check my flickr to see my process. Sorry i know im back and forth between flickr and this blog, could potentially get a bit confusing so.....

title with my picture

So for one of the manipulations of our picture. I decided to lable my image one way, bassed on the one way sign in the image. i just played around with font, opacity, etc. kept it simple there will be more complex ones to come.

Last round

Ok so even though i lost my original image and started over the quad tone and the solarized image are almost identical to the ones i posted last night, so i think its pointless to repost them, if you really wanna see them peep my FLICKR.
Ok so this one i just really overexposed, working in the darkroom this happens all the time. The reason i love this one is because the amount of grain that the overexposing gave it. playing with levels and exposure in photoshop is sweet. and it yields a cool final product. Like i said before im kinda psyched on my image because its contrast in the first place, so to really bump it up, and play with it is super sick. got one more i need to do, so wait for yet another post haha.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Next Three images

The next three images are equally as cool as the first three haha (at least i think so). Anyways, the first one i went to the levels option and just bumped up the levels like crazy. I though it was cool because some how it added some color to the image. This image is a score because there is a lot of contrast to begin with, so playing with the levels and the curves and stuff really come out well. What i like the most is these all look like they could potentially be manipulated in the darkroom, not just photoshop, with the exception of the second image.
The second image i went kinda nuts, i would labeled this as a happy disaster. I played with the color replace option in photo shop, and really messed with the channels as well. i deleated them all and one stayed and labeled itself magenta. thats when played with the replace the color option eyedroped part of my photo filled it in with this red. 
The next photo i thought was one of the betters. It really looks like there is a textured background on the photo, all i did was play with equalize option in adjustments. i dunno why but it just looks like it was a scratched crap negative that got all screwed up, and with failure there is beauty, so this one was really kinda cool for me.

Start from scratch.

So leave it to me to totally F up my project. i basically did what i was hopeing not to do and saved over my original. At this time last night i had four images done. well fuck it. For the past 4 hours i been just playing with photoshop and re-doing my images. we need to have 10 done by tomorrow so far i have 9. ill post them in intervals of 3 and discuss them so here we gooooo.

The first image i just played with contrast and levels, i pretty much just decided to screw around and realized that it really looked like a stencil. So there ya go, a stencil haha. I htink im going to pursue this into an actual stencil, and have a computer print of it as well.
The next image i am pretty pumped on. We were given the option to play around pretty much, and i decided to scan in some rice on cling wrap. the cling wrap was to not get rice everywhere, but it wound up making this radical texture. it just wasn't there and i decided to play with it more, so i used the gradient map tool and boom a sick ass image came out, im pretty pumped on this one.
The final image for this series of three was a compilation of a quad-toned image and a halftoned image. I just messed around with the halftone filter. it was kinda boring and i wanted some color to it, so i used my quad tone i made before. pretty sweeeett

my pup

Whoever said small dogs cant learn tricks?
Ahhh this is to divert me from my photoshop project. about 5 months ago i was blessed with this rad little dog. My buddys mom got it from some dude as an attempt to win over her love for chirstmas. i supose it was a good idea, but the lady could not handle a puppy especially a little chiuwawa. so she said i could have it. Ever since we just been livin the life. His name is mo, he is 1/2 chiuwawa and 1/4 pug and 1/4 weiner dog. all though i have my doubts about this combo. hes down. no leash, he follows me while i ride my bike. i am defiantly getting sick of everyone and their mother asking me if its my dog while we are roasting around town. o well though skrew um. either way here is a shot of him at the trails with my friends boston terrier emmit. any given day im either maxin out, doin school work, or riding bikes with the mut. yaaaaa i guess what made me think of this all is i just taught him to roll over haha which i thought was kinda rad.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Photo Treatment project

The next two images are pretty cool I think. One of the processes given to us was to duotone the image. Basically you turn the image to grayscale, then play with the duotone filter. i was playing with it and realized that you could tritone and quadtone an image. I chose to go all out and quadtone it haha. what i thought was rad about this one was that it looked like a stained image. Sepia toned. We used to play with staining images with tea bags, it came out super cool, and this really reminded me of this. you can expect that i will do something like this manually as well, something with staining. But anyway here is my sepia toned image, again its my version not some stock photoshop filter.

And to cap off my night of photoshop here is my deconstructed version of my image. Its still in the process. I just played with the selection tools, clone stamp tool, and manually cloaning things. So i just took a pillar and repeated it, tried to make it look realistic as possible. i took the holes in the celling and manually cloned them so there was no more holes yesaaaaa!. the last thing i did was cloned the ground to cover up the light spot in the lower left hand corner. This image can be played with so much more, so expect a final version soon. for now here this one is.

Also peep the flickr, and my classes flickr group to see what me and my fellow students are cooking up in our photoshop photo treatment madness project!
Late pauly,
expect zine coming out in july or august too, this is gunna be a wholeeeee different post, and may yield a whole other blog. For now its secrete. 

Photo Treatment project part 1

Ok so earlyer in my blog i talked about the project we were given for my art 120 class. to sum it up we take one image and do 30 diffrent treatments to the photo. Pretty much half computer bassed and half hand bassed. I chose this image to work with. Basically the contrast in it is
Perfect to work with. There is so many things i am going to do to the image. And guess what!?? i have already done three different treatments. I am going to talk about all my treatments in pretty good detail because i think process is important. This is not a project about using photoshop filters! but making our own renditions.
The First image is my solarized image. When i was in my photo class doing this manually was so sick. you pretty much took your photo out of the developer bath and ran it into white light, put it bak in the developer and it really brought out these crazy silvers!. Some chemistry terms may describe this better, but i dont know them so too bad. 
Unfortunately we are not working in the dark room, but in photoshop, where honestly the possibilities are endless. So i was playing with the curves of my image (tones and whatnot) and made a smiley face haha, i turned it to gray scale and it looked just like a solarized image. Funny how mistakes can turn out to be success sometimes. Any way, this is what a solarized image looks like in real life, dont be fooled by the stock photoshop filter its crap.