
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hand made images take way longer than you think....

So its 645 am, but don't worry i have not been  up all night, i got to bed at 2 haha. and got a few hours of sleep. pretty much just making different hand manipulated images. I kinda had it hard for-myself because in the beginning of the project we were told to get an object/image that would be easy to like select, repeat, and take a part, i took a whole photo, so ahhh, but its been good. so here are my final hand drawn images.

This first one is my interpurtation of an ink stipple. i pretty much just dotted it up and made my image, i tried t make it as best as i could, but dotting the paper with a pen really takes longer than you think. i like the way this one came out because even though its chaotic you can kind of still tell what it is, and when you see it next to the original you will totally understand what it is.

So when i was at art media on like thursday after class i found this really really awsome paper, it had an awsome texture and was really transparent. After i found out we could do xerox copies i snagged the paper and the xerox marker and just went t town. Again its so faint but i really like the way it came out, almost looks stenciled on. 

This image started as an idea to lightly scratch my image into this cool paper i had. after that i was going to put another piece of paper over it and lightly shade the paper, then like the image would come through, forgot what thats called. Anyways obviously it didnt work. i had a protractor and just started scratching the hell out of all the black space. my original idea was to not use ink, and just see the image through the smooth paper, and rough scratched paper. it was starting to not work, and it took me too long to give up on, so i decided to just throw some india ink based pit pen on it and i think it worked out better.

So i was striving to finish my last 10 handmade images and i forgot i didnt even do a pencil based image. i wanted to make this look as real as possible so i basically traced over my picture. i was sick of striving to draw a half assed picture. So i decided to just trace main outlines than go from there. I enjoyed doing it, and it kinda looks crappy when i scanned it, i think its just the pencil and the texture of the paper.

This one was made during my block of not knowing what to do. I think i had two images left. i wanted to add colored marker with the xerox copy. i didnt want to draw out my image again, i was frustrated. i scribbled some colors that i thought were cool and xerox copied right over. i was not so frustrated when this was done, i kinda liked it.

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